Annual Voluntary Contributions (AVCs)

Whether you are approaching retirement or putting plans in place for your future, an Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) can be a tax-efficient way to fund extra income for your retirement.

What are the benefits of AVCs?

Boost your retirement income

Build an additional fund to allow for early retirement or a shortfall in service.

Tax Efficient

Avail of generous tax relief of up to 40% in line with Revenue rules and regulations.

Payroll deductions

Contributions taken at source by payroll, no need for direct debits.


Increase, decrease or stop payments at any time.

Our Services

Regular Reviews

As a member of the Group AVC Scheme, you can avail of annual consultations with your dedicated IPF Advisor.

IPF Service Centre

Public Sector employees can call our designated number and have their queries and questions dealt with by a qualified Financial Planner.

Informative Webinars

Each year, IPF hosts webinars for clients covering various topics designed to support your financial well-being.

Retirement Glidepath

Our Glidepath service is designed to guide you through the years approaching your retirement and help ensure you can make the most of your newfound freedom.

Hear what some of our lovely clients have to say about their experience

“Excellent service. Camila went through all the details in a very clear, and precise way and showed the real benefits of setting up an AVC fund. Would recommend.”

Thomas Brennan

South Dublin County Council

We give smart financial advice, plain and simple, that works for you.

30+Years running AVC schemes

€580mAVC funds saved

22k+AVC scheme members

4,000+Clients supported
into retirement

Common Queries & FAQ’s

What is an AVC?

An AVC is a tax-efficient way to build up a sum of money which can be used to supplement your pension benefits at retirement.

How does tax relief work on AVCs?

The majority of Public Sector employees will have access to a Group AVC scheme. Tax relief is applied at source for these schemes. Your employer will deduct your AVC contribution from your pre-tax pay. Therefore, only the net amount, i.e. after tax relief, is deducted from your salary.

Can I make changes to my AVC?

AVCs are flexible, and you can adjust your contributions based on your financial situation at any time. This flexibility allows you to increase your contributions as your income grows or reduce them if you need more take-home pay. It is also possible to switch the fund that your AVC is invested in, however, it is advisable to speak to a Financial Planner before making changes to your plan.

What happens if I move employer?

If you move jobs within the Public Sector, your AVC should continue, assuming your new payroll has an AVC deduction facility. If you move to a new role outside of the Irish Public Sector, you will no longer be able to contribute to your plan, however, your AVC will remain invested for you until you are in receipt of your main scheme pension benefits.

When can I draw down my AVC?

You can only draw down your AVC benefits when you draw down your main scheme pension from your employer. In general, this will be after your date of retirement.

What are my options with my AVC at retirement?

At retirement, your AVC may be used (subject to Revenue rules) to:

  •       Top up your tax-free lump sum and/or
  •       Invest in an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) and/or
  •       Purchase an annuity which will provide an additional guaranteed pension* and/or
  •       Buy benefits under the Notional Service Purchase (NSP) Scheme and/or
  • Take a further taxable lump sum at retirement.

*As with your pension under the Superannuation Scheme, any AVC pension will be treated as earned income for tax purposes

Photo of Camila

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Ellen McElroy’s ‘Top Tips for Getting Retirement Ready’