Retirement Glidepath

Your Retirement Glidepath

Man in canoe

What is Retirement Glidepath?

Retirement can be an exciting, yet daunting phase in all our lives. A lot of changes will happen, and there will be lots of decisions to be made.

The IPF Retirement Glidepath is designed to guide you through the retirement process and help you make the decisions that are right for you.

What are the Benefits?

Improve Your Retirement Income

Find out how to maximise your retirement benefits; tax-free lump sum, annual pension, AVCs, and state pension.

Tax Benefits

Take the opportunity to maximise the tax reliefs available to you before retirement.


Gain a clear picture of your financial situation in retirement.

Support In Retirement

Make the most of our post-retirement service by booking annual reviews with your IPF advisor.


5 years out

At this stage, you will begin to see a clearer vision of your plans for retirement. Now is the optimum time to ensure your finances are in line with your goals for retirement. Your advisor will provide you with a detailed estimate of your main scheme entitlements and your options to boost these benefits.

Image of ducks and a telescope

At Retirement

Congratulations! You have now reached the time to enjoy the results of your hard work and make the plans you have put in place a reality. There will be various decisions to be made and paperwork to be completed, but your IPF advisor will guide you step by step through the process.

Man reading on couch with a dog

In Retirement

Now that you have settled into retirement, you will start to understand your new financial situation better. Regular reviews with your IPF advisor will help ensure your money is working right for you.

Large boat

We give clear, straightforward financial advice, tailored to you.

30+Years working with
retiring clients

5,000+Clients due to retire
in next 5 years

4,000+Retired public sector clients

€150m+Funds under management for retired clients

Ready to have a conversation?


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